Are You WAY Too Busy, Yet Bored To Tears?
“The most successful people are highly focused, have clear daily direction, playful and engaged in meaningful and intentional living.” Does

Make Friends With Stress!
“I am so stressed out (sigh of exhaustion… or perhaps even a bit of defeat).” Sound familiar? Has this thought or similar crossed your mind

The Illusion of ‘Work-Life’ Balance
The notion and desire of work-life balance is an interesting one, and a bit misleading as well. What people actually mean when they report

5 Ways To ‘DO’ LESS & Succeed MORE
We DO too much. We all know it’s true. Yet we continue to sign up for the ‘go-go-go, work-work-work, more-more-more’ pseudo game of life w

Female Business Owners Are Drowning In To Dos. Try These 5 Actions to Set Yourself & Your Busine
Like many female business owners, (maybe even you), I used to spend far too much time in the first years of business feeling frustrated and

When Julie became a client, she was existing within a number of challenges that made daily joy, calm, passion and inspiration consistently s

Relationship So Boring You’re Giving Yourself Paper Cuts?
Look around at the people nearest you. What do see? Are their eyes filled with excitement, adventure and inspiration? Or do you see somethin

One BIG Reason Diets Fail
How’s your New Year’s Resolution Diet treating you? Has a girl’s night out turned into a 3-day diet hiatus, with a promise of ‘I’ll start a

Inclined To Eat EMOTIONALLY When Around Family? 5 Tools I Use That Will Keep You From Emotional Eati
This time of year, client after client, and the frustrating echo of family-induced emotional eating fills my client calls, inbox and FB mess

Waiting For A Baby: The Trials & Joys Of ‘Trying’ To Get Pregnant
While my regular readers know the unbelievable joy, vulnerability, connection and love Chris and I share in our marriage, what people may no