Are You WAY Too Busy, Yet Bored To Tears?
“The most successful people are highly focused, have clear daily direction, playful and engaged in meaningful and intentional living.” Does

The Doldrums of Discontent
Do you have your head buried in your phone, computer, or even in your own thoughts more often than not? Has social media, gaming (phone or

The Illusion of ‘Work-Life’ Balance
The notion and desire of work-life balance is an interesting one, and a bit misleading as well. What people actually mean when they report

Spice Up Your SEX Life By Engaging Your Senses!
Tuning into your senses, in my experience, leads to spicy, deep and gorgeously intimate sexual encounters! I’d love to tell you the details

Is Your Home Built More On Emotional Terrorism Or Emotional Sanctuary?
Most of us arrive at adulthood with at least a few terrible habits (I think I had a few hundred)! Of course we arrive with myriad good habit

3 Common Habits Of The Happiest People
Interestingly, studies of illness, unhappiness, poverty and discontent in America out weigh studies of wellness, joy and prosperity by the t

5 Keys To Keeping Your Relationship Alive!
Would you like your relationship to last a lifetime? It can. Loving partnerships are far less complex than we make them! Try out some of the

Do You Struggle To Win Conversations & Arguments? Part 1 of 2, Right Fighting
Do you find yourself struggling to win conflict? Do family, friends or co-workers wonder why you insist on being “always” being right? Does