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The Doldrums of Discontent

How frequently do you feel like a version of an ‘Alive Walking Dead’?

Is your head buried in your phone, computer, or even in your own thoughts more often than you'd like? Has social media, gaming (phone or console), text, email, surfing porn, internet shopping or other technology taken over more than 1-2 hours of each day?

If you'e said yes, and your job is NOT some kind of cool researcher, then Houston, we have a problem! My guess: You fallen into habits that lead to serious discontent.

In our new society of almost constant technology ADHD distraction and binging has become the social norm, while at the same time, a serious diminishment of play, fun, adventure and free-spiritedness has fallen away- serious discontent has emerged.

We've become exceptional escape artists- trading genuine connection and engagement for technological vices, replacements of active and joyful living. Thus, numbing ourselves to the point of boredom and discontent. We've traded interesting or profound conversation for flip email, social media or texting interactions, and afternoon naps (which actually serves your mind and body), for telephone solitaire.

So what gives?

When was literally the last time you stopped to smell a flower? Or, if flower sniffing isn’t your thing, when was the last time you laid out doors to watch shapes form in the clouds, or become engulfed in the swaying and singing of overhead tree tops, or how about the last time you took a long leisurely stroll intended to relax and breathe…?

… stop reading for a moment, and respond to this question honestly…

When was the last time you relaxed completely (without a nagging voice telling you what you should be doing or what you haven't done yet)? Engulfed yourself in nature or in a great and inspiring conversation, or even lost yourself in your favorite energizing hobby or work?

"When was the last time you were truly Inspired?"

If today or yesterday, or at the very least, over the past week isn’t your response, you likely fall into one or more of the following categories or life situations:

  • Tired / fatigue

  • Restless

  • Poor sleep

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Sadness

  • Loneliness

  • Frustration

  • Resentment

  • Poor or inconsistent eating habits

  • Worry / fear

  • Discontentedness

There are other possible reasons for the challenges above, BUT research amply demonstrates that people today are disconnected with life due to serious disengagement, stagnation and lack of inspiring activities.

This literally means we have become disconnected from the living organisms and life that surround us (grass, bugs, trees, animals, clouds, stars, flowers, hobbies, and HUMANS) to a degree that gives an over all life experience of isolation and separation, that equates to depression, anxiety and so on.

As a result, a chronic state of ‘the Doldrums of Discontent’ has taken root in our minds, hearts, bodies, sports, hobbies, career and spirits.

People have become increasingly disconnected from life and are missing out on LIVING!

We have replaced LIVING with pseudo-living and pseudo-connecting via social media, internet, unfulfilling jobs or relationships, and the like.

Let’s consider what a shift in action, awareness and authentic connection could mean...

How about a few ideas to help you ‘reorganize’ life and get you re-ENERGIZED!

TIME Limits

I’m a firm believer in time limits. In the same way that my nephew is limited to a few hours of ‘game’ time each week, and only on the weekends; so should we (adults) impose our own time limits on things like email, social medial, internet, work hours, thinking, and so on. Limits must be set for anything where you are inclined to ‘check out’ or escape. Anything that encourages you to disengage from deep, playful or passionate living must have time limits if you desire contentment and joy.

Passionate Work

We spend far too many hours engaged in ‘career time’ for it NOT to be joy-filled and passion-filled. It is possible to find passionate work or turn your current work experience into a passionate one. If you are skeptical, hit me up ( and we can brainstorm and / or I can share with you 17 years of client stories where amazing people like you have redesigned work life to be joyful and fulfilling!

Clean Eating

This is a no brainer. If you put shit in, then shit energy, shit mental fitness and shit emotional fitness will rise, period! Fuel your temple with excellence in mind.

GO Out Side for Pete Sake!

While many people spend time outdoors training or working out, we don’t often get out to connect with the life force that moves and creates every living thing, atom and organism. This action is a must for fulfilling living. Get yourself out doors (even if it’s hot or cold!) to connect with Mother Earth and you will absolutely feel a significant lift in your over all well-being.

Play (Inside or Out!)

If one is not playing, one is not happy! Here are some examples of ways my hubby and I enjoy playing. Frisbiee, bicycle riding (for fitness and for the sake of being kids), giggling (we all need to laugh daily), Uno, paddle boarding, Pass The Pigs (silly awesome board game), origami, tree climbing... our play list is extensive!

Honestly, anything that feels like play to you is a perfect choice (so long as you don’t require alcohol to be able to play). Btw, I am 44 years old and play a lot! I love to play (everyone loves to play, though not everyone has chosen to yet). Honestly, I had to re-learn to play during my early 30’s, which was interesting and amazing! So you might need to re-learn playing as well, no biggie, it will be time WELL spent.

So dig in, or dig in the dirt if that flips your trigger! But add in playtime several times each week.

Let’s discard the dole drums of discontent and replace it with a super, duper, mega, ultra, jazzer-sized life experiences!

Cheers to Liberate Living! Shawn

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