Do You Have A Passive Aggressive Lover In Your Life?
Feeling punished. Strategic or convenient forgetting. Chronic lateness. Emotional withdraw. Pretending to be compliant. “If you love m
Closing The Adventures Of Baby-Making
‘It’s 11 am on May 15, 2016. I’m laying on the table in the doctor’s office, legs spread (ladies you know the drill). Meanwhile, the ultra
Female Business Owners Are Drowning In To Dos. Try These 5 Actions to Set Yourself & Your Busine
Like many female business owners, (maybe even you), I used to spend far too much time in the first years of business feeling frustrated and
When Julie became a client, she was existing within a number of challenges that made daily joy, calm, passion and inspiration consistently s
Does Shame Live In Your Marriage?
My husband, Chris, and I recently experienced an extended effort in attempting to make a shame-based decision- it took 11 months to be exact
Spice Up Your SEX Life By Engaging Your Senses!
Tuning into your senses, in my experience, leads to spicy, deep and gorgeously intimate sexual encounters! I’d love to tell you the details
Is Your Home Built More On Emotional Terrorism Or Emotional Sanctuary?
Most of us arrive at adulthood with at least a few terrible habits (I think I had a few hundred)! Of course we arrive with myriad good habit
How To Travel For 3 to 6 Months (or Longer) In 4 Easy Steps
Do you ever wish you could abandon your life and run away in search of exciting and magical adventures like Amelia Earhart or Mark Twain? We
3 Tools For Quitting The Monkey Mind Drama!
Ok, let’s face it, we all have the crazy brain, monkey mind, inner yammerings that drive absurd, silly or irrational thoughts and actions. S
Sexuality, femininity and intimacy are all vital components of being a fully liberated woman. Last week I shared some of the barriers to ful